Physical Therapy Guide: How To Improve Poor Sleep Issues

Poor Sleep Issues Feb20th 2024

Have you been struggling to get a restful night’s sleep? Does pain wake you up and make it hard to fall asleep again? At Island Health Physical Therapy in Riverhead, our physical therapists are highly skilled at helping to identify the sources of your sleep problems and helping you find solutions so you can enjoy a good night’s sleep!

It has been reported that up to 70% of adults report experiencing insufficient or inadequate sleep at least one night every month. For some, their sleep issues are more significant, with over 10% of people reporting difficulty every night.

More and more research has demonstrated significant health problems associated with sleep problems, from poor mental focus to increased mortality. Sleep apnea is associated with heart disease and can be fatal if left unchecked. For younger people, especially school-aged children, performance in school is directly related to adequate sleep.

More recently, lack of sleep has dramatically increased athlete injury rates. Athletes that get less than 6 hours of sleep per night are up to 150 times more likely to get injured than those that sleep 8 hours or more.

At Island Health Physical Therapy in Riverhead, our physical therapists are up to date on the most advanced techniques and recommendations to help our patients improve their sleep habits, so they can do the things they love

Request an appointment today and learn more about how physical therapy can help you get better sleep!

What are the common causes of sleep disturbances?

The severity and the cause of the sleep issues vary from person to person. Some estimates indicate that sleep-related problems affect between 50 and 70 million Americans. Some of the most common reasons for restless nights include the following:

  • Physical conditions (i.e., ulcers, chronic pain, lower back pain or sciatica, MS)
  • Medical disorders like asthma, diabetes, GERD, thyroid disease, and heart disease
  • Psychiatric conditions like depression and anxiety disorders
  • Neurological disorders like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease
  • Lifestyle choices like overeating or drinking alcohol and drug use.
  • Working the night shift
  • Medications and/or the incorrect use of medication

For some people falling asleep is the biggest problem, whereas others wake up from a restful sleep and then struggle to get back to sleep. One of the most common complaints in physical therapy is how the pain intensifies when trying to fall asleep.

It is often thought that as the night approaches, the number of distractions diminishes, making the pain more noticeable. For some people, it is hard to believe that lying still could be the problem, but certain pain conditions are worse when people are still, which is a problem if you are trying to sleep.

Fortunately, at Island Health Physical Therapy in Riverhead, our physical therapists have a lot of experience working with people to help them find ways to get a good night’s sleep. We’ll guide you through the steps that help most people and give you tools to try at home to ensure you can finally fall asleep!

What to expect from your Riverhead physical therapy sessions

A physical therapist with experience helping people struggling to sleep through the night will conduct a thorough evaluation and determine if/how an injury or physical condition influences sleep. Our team will identify any other weaknesses or limitations that may be causing pain or interfering with their recovery and overall health.

Next, your therapist at Island Health Physical Therapy in Riverhead will create a targeted, individualized plan of care for you to promote accelerated recovery and future injury prevention. We will guide you through a series of exercises designed to help with any injury and pain so you can be physically ready to get a good night’s sleep.

Research has shown there are specific steps you can take to help ensure a restful night’s sleep, including the following tips:

  • Be consistent: Make you go to bed and wake up simultaneously every day.
  • Prepare your bedroom: Make sure it is quiet, dark, and at a comfortable temperature. Some research says a cool room is ideal.
  • Remove electronic devices: The light that comes off of our technology can interfere with the brain’s ability to shut down for sleep. Remove all TVs, computers, and smartphones from the bedroom.
  • Be careful with food: Avoid large meals, caffeine, and alcohol before bedtime.
  • Exercise daily: Getting some exercise earlier in the day can help when it comes time to sleep at night.

Whether you are dealing with pain from arthritis or back pain or just need some guidance, physical therapy will provide the foundation for a successful night’s sleep to ensure you are rested and ready to take on the activities you enjoy!

Request an appointment at Island Health Physical Therapy today!

At Island Health Physical Therapy, our highly trained physical therapists can guide you to resolve your pain and improve your mind and body for a good night’s sleep!

Call us today to schedule an appointment!


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