Did You Know That Stretching Can Help You Both Before and After Your Workout?

stretching Sep10th 2023

Regular exercise is an excellent way to improve and maintain good health. However, if you don’t stretch before and after your workout, you’re not getting the most out of your workout routine.

Stretching exercises are an important part of physical therapy for a variety of reasons.

In fact, stretching before and after a workout has several distinct advantages. Get in touch with Island Health Physical Therapy today to learn more!

Stretching and better health

Stretching has numerous advantages for helping your body stay healthy. One of the most important is stress reduction.

Everyday life presents numerous challenges, and the resulting stress can be stored in your muscles. Tightness, spasms, and chronic discomforts such as headaches and neck pain result. Stress also causes your body to release “fight or flight” hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.

These imbalances can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to viruses and other diseases. Another dangerous side effect of chronic stress is hypertension.

Stretching on a regular basis allows your body to release pent-up stress. By relaxing and loosening your muscles, you can keep your blood pressure under control, avoid chronic muscle pain, and keep your immune system prepared for anything.

Stretching and PT

It’s critical that you stretch properly before and after your workout.

A physical therapist can design an exercise program tailored to your specific needs. Physical therapy can help you make the most of your activities, whether you’re playing tennis, training for a mini-marathon, or simply walking around the neighborhood.

A physical therapist can advise you on which stretches are best for your current physical condition and the activities you’re involved in.

It’s also critical to ensure that you’re doing the right exercises in the right order. You should consult with a physical therapist to determine which stretches are best for you.

Physical therapy can assist you in getting the most out of your workouts and improving your overall health.

What are the various types of stretches?

There are several types of stretches that can be done before and after a workout.

It’s critical to understand which types are best for you and when to use them in a workout.

  • Ballistic. Ballistic stretching is characterized by bouncing movements that push muscles beyond their normal range of motion.
  • Dynamic. These are non-held active movements that cause muscles to stretch. These are frequently performed to prepare your muscles for movement.
  • Static. This entails holding a specific stretch for 10 to 20 seconds. This type of stretch should be done after a workout and should feel comfortable.

How will stretching after my workout help me?

After a workout, you may be tempted to immediately relax.

However, even a few minutes of stretching post exercise is essential. There are several specific advantages to stretching after your workout. These include:

  • Relaxation. Slowing down gradually benefits both the body and the mind. When you stretch after a workout, you allow yourself to gradually wind down.
  • Reduces pain and the likelihood of injury. Muscles that remain tight after a workout are more likely to be injured. According to PT in Motion, the right kind of stretching exercises can help to reduce pain throughout the body. Loosening your muscles will also lower your risk of injury.
  • Lactic acid elimination. When you exercise, you produce lactic acid. This substance can cause muscle aches and fatigue. Stretching can help reduce the amount of lactic acid in your system.

How will stretching before my workout help me?

Always begin your workout with a series of stretching exercises.

Stretching for 5 to 10 minutes should suffice for most activities. It is, however, critical to stretch all of the muscles you will be using.

When you stretch properly before your workout, you will gain several specific benefits, including:

  • Improved performance. Increased blood flow, flexibility, and range of motion will all improve overall performance.
  • Better flexibility and range of motion. Stretching correctly will loosen your muscles and tendons. This will improve your workout flexibility and range of motion.
  • Increased blood flow. When blood flow to your muscles is increased, this prepares them for strenuous activity.

Are you ready to improve your health?

Stretching correctly can help you improve your overall health! To learn more, please contact Island Health Physical Therapy today.


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